
Sunday 31 August 2014

Demi Lovato Praises Beyonce And Kim Kardashian For Their Fuller Figures

Demi Lovato has always been vocal about loving yourself no matter what your body type is, and on Thursday she chatted with Access Hollywood and revealed that she looks up to bootilicious babes Beyonce and Kim Kardashian! Demi was asked about the photo collage she recently posted of her dramatically different red carpet looks over the years, and she told the show:

    "The very first time that I ever went to the VMAs, I just looked so bony and fragile and unhappy. Yes, I was at the VMAs, and I was 16 and I was having an incredible time, but at the same time I was miserable. I look back at that and I think, 'You know what? I may have been thinner, but I am so happy that I am healthy today and I have curves, which are a lot sexier than what I was aiming for.' I think curves are beautiful and I feel great."

"When I was growing up and when I was a pre-teen, the people that I had to look up to [for] body image [were] extremely underweight," she continued. "[They] were all very bony at that time and that was the in thing." So who are her role models these days? "I really credit women like Beyonce and Kim Kardashian," she said. "[They] completely revolutionized our generation's view...of what beautiful is. You can think whatever you want about the Kardashians, but they really did help tons of women feel comfortable in their own skin, and I like to carry that message on."

Hmm, we doubt Beyonce is happy to be compared to Kim, and while we do see Demi's point, is Kim really a good role model for body image when it appears as though she's had a handful of work done over the years? I mean, we're not the only ones who have noticed how much her face has changed since she shot her sex tape with Ray J back in the day... Do you think as much as she do?

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