
Sunday, 26 October 2014

Good Morning Nigerians: Sensitization Strategy To Salvage Our Democratic State -With Magnus Hyacinth -Episode 5

Having our dear country "Nigeria" back on track to enable democracy foster on us its dividends of good tidings, then I think the truth must be told, and that simple truth needs all stakeholders within this Democratic state to collectively lend their voices, resources and even all that may be required to redeem and salvage our nation from this abysmal anarchy of political and electoral maladministration that seem to have hindered our progress for too long a time, which to many is quite interminable.

Just like 'Shakespeare' rightly said " There is a tide in the affairs of men"  and it is upon this notion I drew my strength to delve into this path, because we as a people who are latticed into a united fold must avail ourselves all opportunities to make things right.

This is the simple truth which in accordance with Winston Churchill "it is incontrovertible" Even though fear may resent it, injustice may distort it, ignorance may deride it, but surely there it stands, oh yeah!.it is.

I must state herein that it is of utmost importance that the three arms of government such as the Executive, Legislature and the Judiciary, must ensure that  sensitization of the youths is done periodically, to keep them abreast on the need to vote credibly,  thereby paying no attention to those who try to pave their way in the Nigerian polity using money to buy the conscience of the populace, and by doing so engage the youths in all sorts of evil acts in the course of securing winning at all cost.

The Legislature must enact and implement laws that must guide against sharing of money to electorates by individuals, political parties or any group, that is expected to contest in any political post within the Nigerian polity. Once this is done, the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) shall have due and legal authority to prosecute and disengage any political party or its candidate that is found guilty of this act of bribery to the electorates, and thereby cost such persons or parties their participation in the electoral process.

Furthermore, compulsory debates must be carried out on controversial topics and issues which may enhance good governance for the Nigerian populace at all level of political offices, beginning from Councillor through Presidential contestants, and this must be aired and viewed on both the National and International broadcasting media. This will create good awareness to the Nigerian populace on the need to engage and play fair politics, as well as to educate the Nigerian youths, and to set a good precedence on the need that any one whose ambition is to be in the position of leadership or policy making must therefore display qualities which entails that he/she is  politically inclined, academically equipped, and morally sound, before one can vie for any leadership position in the country.

 This will also dismiss the notion for which politics is known and played in Nigeria, where one could come in with little or no educational background , so long as one can afford the money to buy his/her way through political office, it is acceptable. This process will help to boycott the penetration of  these egocentric and corrupt politicians with huge money bags into political office, perhaps without any reasonable motive for the common interest of the common populace.

Links to Good Morning Nigerians is provided herein, in case you missed the previous ones, and if you may need to follow us up on this outlook.


  1. This is excellent, I love your quotes, they are motivational and inspiring as well. Love.

  2. This is our country and there is no other we can call our own, so we must get it in order. I'm loving everything you put across here. Your writing sense is unequal

  3. I'm glad I read this, and honestly, al you said is right, and that is all we must do no matter where we are. We must unite to do it for our dear country

  4. Whenever I read your post on Good morning Nigerians, I feel like I'm seeing a new Nigeria where life will be like paradise very soon.

  5. You are making me feel extremely intimidated with your level of education, but I'm happy at least, this will help me to step up my diction. You are great, I must be truthful, no hard feelings. Love you Magnus... Lol

  6. To be honest, Brenda, I'm falling in love with this guys intellectual prowess, I wish I can meet with him, he's a load of inspiration. I'm glad to have known this blog. It's very educative

  7. Yes Boss! I salute you. We're always behind you.

  8. honestly, this guy has swept my feet off the ground with his words, he sure knows how to use words and make it suit

  9. I must immediately say that with the budding young talents like you who have dissected politics and all it's spots so good, then I say it's well with our nation, for it's in safe hands and will forever thread on the path of greatness, no doubt. Keep this light shinning

  10. fear may resent it, injustice may distort it, ignorance may deride it, but surely there it stands, oh yeah!.it is.

    This is a still another hard punch line. I'm so dumb-founded at your words, you are pretty good. damn...

  11. Sir, you are very good with words, just like other people that commented have said, I'm glad you will make a good political adviser, please I'll write to your email , and I do hope you will reply to me. Have a great day

  12. This sensitization strategy is much needed this time, that we're soon getting into our electoral process, so I hope that the government as well as the youths can learn from all your writings, so there will be a change come 2015. I know it's well with us.

  13. I love you Young Money Zone. I'm falling for you oooooooooooo!!!!!! your words are very nice.
