
Thursday 11 December 2014

Good Morning Nigerians With Magnus Hyacinth: "Beauty & Burden Of Democracy" Episode II

Good Morning Nigerians With Magnus Hyacinth on Episode 2, of Beauty and Burden of Democracy

In this repertoire, comes the next episode of my very topic of discourse, which is embedded in pragmatic patriotism, leadership for all, and ingenuity for the purpose of peaceful co-existence all.
Nevertheless, various parts that seem to be the genetic makeup or life-wire of this institution was created, and such were the different levels or statuses of leadership positions seen or perceived in its  personality, coupled with, of course the Mitochondrial power house of the cell ‘Society’, which is the citizenry.

Even in Biological Science, we were thought about how important the Nucleus can be in the body, yet it cannot function solely, without the least of the cell components, like the food vacuole. Since the body can be seen to have different parts, and, not even a part can work independently, but through the collective and honest effort of others; as any part that dares try to act in such manner, shall be seen dismantled and relegated resulting to worn-out, because the burden has been too much on it.

This is the case of an injured organ or part of the human anatomy, where in any case like that, such part bears the full brunt of all the other parts, owing to the fact that it’s now being disconnected artificially or temporarily from others to which their collective or teaming effort can provide efficiency in their function or labour.

 This is yet another beauty and burden of democracy, because it is in diversity that strength lies, but it is the reason democracy has permanently latticed various elements to its very soul, to enable a smooth discharge of duties for the common good of all.

Visit Episode I of Beauty and Burden of Democracy right here as you keep locked right here.


  1. I truly subscribe to your submission my dear, this is why Nigeria cannot fare well with this institution, because we are at every point disjointed, and there the result of the myriad of mishaps in our polity.

  2. Democracy is not what we are practicing, from all your definitions, that means, we're not yet into democracy, until there is sincere truth to both ourselves and our leaders, then, these qualities of a democratic state can then be perceived.. At this point, what we have is not even a semblance of it.

  3. You are right Tom, Nigeria is not near democracy, until then, we shall know, because it is not it at all.

  4. This is incredible, so this is what democracy is for? I bet we're still far.

  5. I hail you Boss, Young Money is doing great work, I love your writings. One love

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