
Tuesday 2 September 2014

Anita, Pastor Oyakhilome’s Wife, Removed From Church Website

Anita Oyakhimole, estranged wife of Pastor Chris Oyakhilome, has had details about her removed from the church’s website as the divorce mess between the pair worsens. Her pictures and personal information were reportedly deleted from the church’s website, on Sunday, just two days after it was reported that Anita Oyakhilome had filed for divorce.

Christ Embassy’s new website now shows only Pastor Chris Oyakhilome, with a broad smile welcoming his followers to the month of August, and tagging it, ‘Month of Praise’.
In the message on the website, Oyakhilome also urged his followers to “rejoice for the joy of the Lord is your strength.” Also, on the website of the Rhapsody of Realities, a daily devotional co-authored by the erstwhile couple, there’s nothing to show that Anita is still recognized as the only visible face on the website among the family members is that of her husband.
Via Global Village Extra. Really?

Here comes the photos of the Church Website "Before"

Here comes the photos of the Church Website "Now"

This is very bad of a Pastor, after cheating, wow! Soes it mean he feels right about it? Let us know what you think.

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