
Sunday 21 September 2014

BABY PHOTO: Lovely Young Twins Whose Mom Died In The September 17th Bomb Blast !

These beautiful little angels lost their mum in the bomb blast that occurred on Wednesday September 17th, at the Federal College of Education, Kano, in Nigeria , which also claimed the lives of 15 students of the college while 34 others were seriously injured.

Around 1.30pm on that fateful day, terrorists climbed the fence of the school, jumped into the school premises and began shooting sporadically. One suicide bomber gained entrance into one of the classrooms and detonated the bomb on him, killing 15 students, one of whom was these twins mother.


  1. Really big loss my dear, my condolences to these kids and their family, and to all those whose people are affected in this incident.

  2. In a situation as this, this suicide bomber doesn't really understand the height of what he/she does. Now, this marriage has been cut short, and the joy therein would never be complete, especially when these kids grow to see only their father, without their mother, whom the marriage that brought them forth into this world is no where at reach.. Sad

  3. Sad indeed. "Marriage is like a war. There are moments of chivalry and gallantry that attend the victorious advances and strategic retreats, the birth or death of children, the momentary conquest of loneliness, the sacrifice that ennobles him who makes it. But mostly there are the long dull sieges, the waiting, the terror and boredom. Women understand this better than men; they are better able to survive attrition.

  4. Oh! May God guide and protect these kids.. This is pretty sad, my heartfelt.

  5. you are right about that; he needs to be killed by himself, without anyone.

  6. I will pray for these kids. May the souls of the victims R.I.P

  7. You mustn't ask that question because God will take care of them.

  8. Yea! that is very certain, God will do that.

  9. You guys are right about God going to take care of them but never forget that first God should lead the kids into a right hand so they they can be well take care of, because most kids in such situation as they are, hardly find good people to take care of them.

  10. What you just said it true. I'll put them in my prayers.

  11. I just saw these two cute babies, sitting helpless and lovely, as if they're longing for their said dead mum to arrive, I feel for them.

  12. God in his infinite mercy will watch over and guide these kids aright.

  13. Poor lovely babies! my sympathy to them.

  14. I think they're just victims of man's inhuman treatment to man. God be with you two.

  15. What wrongs have they done to be left orphans at this stage of their lives? I curse terrorists and their evil machinations

  16. That's really saddening, what a crazy world we're living in

  17. I sincerely feel for these cuties, why would their mom just die in the hands of evil person?

  18. Just can't stop imagining what one gains by taking self's life with other people too. why not die alone? it shows cruelty, and that is so bad.

  19. Suicide bombers everywhere, what is wrong with these people huh? I just can't comprehend what these kill joys really want.....

  20. Sometimes I just can't help but to think about the series of evils going on around the world. some persons really find joy in killing other persons, this is madness I must say! God help our world.

  21. The world is saddled with the burden of terrorism for the past decade and more now, so this ugly situation has created an atmosphere of intrigue, fear and loss of hope by those that are affected by this monstrous strings of terrorists in a suicide rampage. So sorry to the kids, and family, it's such a great loss!

  22. Does it mean these terrorists can't be destroyed, and wiped out of the human surface, since they've decided to be a torn on human flesh? this scenario still baffles me!

  23. Osama Bin Laden of the AlQueda was the one who instigated this dreaded and horrible acts of terrorism into these other people who now unleash it on the whole world. Thanks to President George Bush, who began the war on terrorism, which later caused the death of Osama bin laden. This war against terrorism must sure be won in no distant time. American is on it, and the rest of the UN countries.

  24. I think these terrorists are all from the Islamist sect? Does anyone think same with me, because everywhere they are the one always linked to these terrorism and suicidal bomb killings. But you can counter me if I'm wrong, because this is all I think going by the recent news around the world lately and in the past.

  25. My heart aches as I come across this post, sure this is a big tragedy. I can't help but to weep for these beautiful babies. I wish I can see them, maybe we can start donate for their upkeep. Does anyone know how one can reach through the family? please don't hesitate to drop email here... I'll love to open a communication with them, if they're really willing. What a painful loss.

  26. Well, Joan, if you are asking about how to reach this kids, I guess it would be nice you contact the owner of this wonderful YMZ blog, through email address; ( , you can cross check this email yourself, because I got it from the YMZ "ABOUT ME" page.

  27. Thank you a great deal Steve Briggs, I've just gotten the email address and I'll contact them YMZ Blog team ASAP.

  28. I wish these kids well in life, I know it's going to be tough on them, but I believe that God see them through

  29. Posterity will see them good....

  30. Let me know if there is anyone out there viewing this post right now, please I'd like us to have some few chats... just write back so I may know please!!!!!!!!!!
