
Tuesday 2 September 2014

Nigerian Army, Engaged Boko Haram Terrorists In fierce Battle

We have just learnt that the dreadiest Islamist terrorist group called Boko Haram in Nigeria was on Monday the 1st September met a disastrous encounter as the men of the Nigerian Armed Forces had them engaged in a very firce battle as they tried to capture a town known as Bama in one of the Nigerian States called Borno state, which led to a good number of the terrorists killed in the uprising. The number of deaths recorded on the side of the Boko Haram as at the time of this information was 59.

Bravo to the Nigerian Army.. Do you think they are doing great to curb this menace of terrorism? send us your comments here.

If you wish read more on this, you can visit this link

1 comment:

  1. Pure confrontation is what's needed. no lapses should be found in between as they only use it for reinforcement
