
Friday 24 October 2014

A New York Doctor "Craig Spencer" Has Been Confirmed Of Having Ebola After Returning From Guinea In Africa

Dr. Craig Spencer

The reports reaching to ymzonline has stated that a New York medical doctor 'Craig Spencer' has tested positive to the Ebola Virus Disease [EVD]  after returning from Guinea where he went to assist in the treatment of Ebola patients. It was said that the test that revealed the virus was carried out on Thursday that is yesterday, which then led to tracing every possible person that Dr. Craig may have come in contact with since his return into the New York state.

Right now, doctor Craig is going through treatment in an isolation center at the Bellevue Hospital Center, while the 3-persons that had come in contact with so far have also been placed in isolation as well. From the traces made, it has been confirmed that Dr Craig Spencer on getting into the Big Apple, then traveled through the A and L subway lines, on Wednesday night, and thereafter visited a bowling alley at Williamsburg and finally went to his residence in Manhattan in a taxi, and it was the nest morning that he reported of running temperature of about 103-degree, which began to raise question about his health status.

He has so far been interviewed by the authorities to ascertain if he had carried any transaction earlier using his Credit Cards and Metro Card to determine his whereabouts.

Police officers that are stationed at the Residence of Dr. Craig Spencer to prevent people going in there

According to the CDC, this EVD cannot be spread  through the air, it only takes the symptoms manifesting before one can transfer this virus , that is only when the persons infected become more sick, while the viral load in the body builds up, and they become highly contagious.

The Center for Disease Control [CDC] did quite good earlier on by dispatching a team of health workers to NY to conduct a test to enable them confirm truly that this incident was true on Thursday and that was performed by the city lab.

At the moment, them Mayor Bill de Blasio have told the New Yorkers not be calm and not to panic, that everything is being taking care of.

In the statement made by the Mayor, he states thus; “Being on the same subway car or living near a person with Ebola does not in itself put someone at risk,”.

Mayor Bill de Blasio confirms the case of NY Ebola and advises New Yorkers to be calm

I hope that this does not spread any further considering how populated NYC can be, it will be a big blow if anything goes wrong there through this EVD.

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