
Sunday 12 October 2014

Amanda Bynes Parents "Rick Aand Lynn Bynes" Gets Sober Over Sexual Abuse Accusation on Her Father

Photo credit by X17online: Amanda Bynes, with Mom " Lynn Bynes and Dad "Rick Bynes"

Wonders shall never cease, as it seems quite amusing as well as pathetic, in the sense that beautiful actress "Amanda Bynes" whom we've been spotting lately with all her bizarre behavior just landed at L.A yesterday, and was  immediately taken into the psychiatric home, following the accusation she leveled against her father lately, saying that, her father did abused her sexually, and which may be the reason behind her not maintaining any kind of cordiality with the parents.

But the grey-haired mom of this actress sadly refuted that allegation, saying that in all her children, none of them have ever been abused sexually or even physically by her husband for the 47-years they've lived together as husband and wife. And that it is disheartening how their lovely daughter could go out to rub the image of her father in the mud. She further stated that, she knows that Amanda's unstable state of health may actually be the reason she's acting in all these absurd manner.

Read the statement of the Mom here;

"I am heartbroken today for my husband of 47 years. Rick has been the best father and husband a family can ask for. He has never abused Amanda or our other children physically or sexually. These accusations are absolutely horrible and could not be further from the truth! These allegations stem from Amanda's mental state at the moment. They have no basis in reality. It saddens me beyond belief that my husband's character could be slandered in such a way."
Photo credit by X17online: Amanda's Parents "Lynn and Rick Bynes"

Amanda Bynes brothers also hand out a statement through their family attorney refuting that accusation of the blonde-actress saying as follows;

"We are disturbed beyond words that Amanda would come up with such a fabrication as a way to avoid getting much needed help or treatment. We are pained by [Amanda's] behavior but we absolutely give our full unconditional love and support to our wonderful parents."

The question I ask is, could it possibly be that Amanda Bynes is not mentally stable, which led to her recent abnormal behaviors as well as this accusation against her own father? You let me know what you think.

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