
Friday 10 October 2014

VIDEOS: Baby Showers Coming Soon For Ben Affleck And Jennifer Garner

Happy actress  and expectant mother 'Jennifer Garner' reveals her new pregnancy 

Just yesterday, Jennifer Garner who have been married to actor Ben Affleck for over a long time now, and the two have had 3-kids to their union, had at the later time of yesterday announced that she's pregnant and will expecting baby number four. Jennifer confirmed this news yesterday at the "Ellen DeGeneres Show"

The beautiful super star actress is being expected by her fans to come out soonest in a more pronounced way  maybe appearing on a cover page of a tabloid to let them see the baby bump so they can be sure about this gist.

 Jennifer Garner talk about her baby bump in the video after this  cut

Watch video of Jennifer's baby bump

In her words she says thus; From now on, ladies, I will have a bump,"  "It will be my baby bump. And let's just all settle in and get used to it. It's not going anywhere."

When asked about her reaction on the first ever naked scene that her husband Ben Affleck just put up in Gone Girl, which is the  newest movie by Ben; and look at what she says;

"What I have to say is: You're welcome,'" she told the audience in response to Affleck's first-ever nude scene. "I try to consider myself a charitable person, and I wanted to give back."

Click here to see video of Jennifer Garner Talk about Ben Affleck new movie

We'll be expecting to see Jennifer's baby bump grow soon.!

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