
Sunday 23 November 2014

Late Chaz B Shares His Near-Death Experience As He Battles With Kidney Disease, Listen To It All

Chaz B who is the anchor of 'Sharing Life's Issues with Chaz B' was on Radio on Friday, to present his usual programme, but it's was quite unfortunate and sad that just yesterday being Saturday, he lost his life to this kidney failure which he'd suffered for some time now.

Listen to his testimony that he made 2-years ago on how he's battled with the Kidney failure that eventually caused him his life. He was flown to India at the time the ailment got serious, and was carried through a kidney transplant surgery, which was donated to him by his wife.

It' pretty sad to say goodbye to the man whom for the short time people known him, has touched lives with great positivity and hope. May he rest in the bosom of the Lord, Amen.

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