
Tuesday 26 August 2014

Divorce Case Between Mariah Carey and Nick Cannon---- Info Reaching Us Is That They May Never Get Back Together Again!!

Mariah Carey and Nick Cannon are actually getting along  way better than when they were together and loathed each other ,but as we learnt there is NO chance of a reconciliation. At first we reported that he divorce is a "done deal" and the couple has been separated since May. We're told they are not only on good terms  primarily for the sake of their kids -- they even went to dinner Friday in Tribeca and shockingly no one even noticed. It's a big improvement from 6 months ago, when there was so much contempt they literally could not be in the same room together. We're told it's all about the kids ... they're both committed to making the divorce as easy as possible on them. But  let's just say one side tells us they will NEVER get back together.

But in Life, We should always learn Never to Say Never, because Anything is a subject to Change. The only never in Life is Death. So long as Mariah and Nick are still Alive, they may someday get Together again.

What's your opinion on this, Do you quite agree to this?

1 comment:

  1. Keeping my fingers crossed on this till the big story finally pops up#SHM
