
Friday 12 September 2014

Joan Rivers Wills $150 Million Fortune To Her Dogs And Daughter Melissa- Yeah Right!!!

We already knew Joan Rivers was leaving all her money to daughter Melissa, but we had no idea that the late comedian was leaving a sizable amount to her canine companions -- or that she was worth an estimated $150 million! The Fashion Police star left "clear provisions" for her beloved rescue dogs, according to goddaughter Tracie Hotchner. "She loved Melissa, she loved her dogs and she worshiped her grandson Cooper, absolutely worshiped that little boy," Hotchner told the Daily Mail.

Joan's pups Samantha and Teegan lived with her in her luxury New York City penthouse, while her other two lived in California. The New York Post reported earlier that Samantha and Teegan (pictured above) were even allowed to visit Joan in the hospital "for a moment to kiss mommy." Awww! That's so sweet ... but so sad! Hotchner wrote on her blog, “How could you not love a woman who, when push came to shove, called her doggies her best friends and in later years said they were better companions than a husband because 'They didn’t leave the seat up!'”

The Post reports that Joan's longtime assistant Jocelyn will most likely take care of the dogs. So cool with them now right! Do you feel they're all lucky?

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