
Thursday 11 September 2014

Shia LaBeouf Pleads Guilty To Disorderly Conduct Over Broadway Incident! Really?

On Wednesday, Shia LaBeouf pled guilty to disorderly conduct charges after causing a disturbance at a Broadway performance of Cabaret in June. The Transformers actor has been very dedicated to seeking treatment for his substance abuse problem since his arrest. The judge is requiring the 28-year-old to continue treatment for another three months, according to WCBS 880. In addition to the treatment, the judge said that if the actor keeps his nose out of trouble for the next six months -- he can withdraw his guilty plea and the case will be dismissed.

However, if the actor doesn't comply with the terms, the judge has stated that he could face up to 15 days in jail, reports CBS 2’s Janelle Burrell. LaBeouf’s attorney Robert Gage gave a statement after the court appearance, “We appreciate the thoughtfulness of the resolution of the matter by the district attorney’s office." When media asked the lawyer if the unruly actor regretted the incident, Gage commented, “I appreciate everyone’s courtesy, but that’s the only statement I’m going to make today.” Looks like he's taking responsibility for his actions! Let's hope LaBeouf can keep up the good work! What do you think?

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