
Friday 17 October 2014

Shocking Video: Justin Beiber Served With Lawsuit Over June 25, 2013 Hitting of Walter Lee At Laugh Factory In West Hollywood.

Justin Beiber Served Papers from Court in his Black Ranger-Rover SUV

Justin Beiber may sure know how to get into trouble, even though this one didn't happen now, but you can agree with me that the pop-singer is a always looking for one problem to get into or another. Maybe, he's looking for somewhere to put some of his wealth, because like I learnt, Beiber is super-rich.

Like I've earlier said, Justin Beiber landed himself into trouble last year following his car-hitting of Walter Lee who is also a resident of the West Hollywood, and from the look of things, it seems Bieber didn't care much as to know the extent of the injury the man may have concealed, which led to Walter Lee suing him where he claims for serious health damage which may never allow him to become normal again.

This total negligence displayed by Justin Beiber is not such a good one for a star celebrity who's expected to act as a role model to his folks out there and other people as well. Like the story was passed on to me, A court personnel came with the lawsuit papers to serve to Beiber, while he was driving into his house, but immediately Beiber spotted the court agent, he tried to dulge the papers, which led to the woman throwing the court papers on the wind-screen of Justin's Black Range-Rover SUV. It was said that Bieber sent his bodyguards to

This sounds kinda ridiculous, but it did happened, and right now, Beiber may be in court anytime soon not just to answer for the case of car hit of Mr. Walter Lee, but for also trying to boycott the court order.

A lot of people are saying that if Bieber is very much in need of where to spend his massive wealth, he should try and channel it into something good like setting up a charity foundation to assist people or more assist a lot of less-privileged kids out there, other than throwing it into some crazy court cases that has no meaning value on his life nor the lives of other people.

Click to watch the video of the scene here

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