
Friday 24 October 2014

Superstar Pop Singer "Justin Bieber" Confesses Saying Selena Gomez Is A Very Beautiful Woman!

Justin Bieber With Close Pal Lil Za  catching some dinner @ Flavor of India in the West Hollywood

Yester-night, the handsome pop singer Justin Bieber together with his friend and pal Lil' Za were at the Flavor of India in the West Hollywood grabbing some dinner, when he was asked whether he feels his ex-girlfriend 'Selena Gomez' is still beautiful, without taking a breath,  Bieber made a quick answer to that question before he gets into his super Rolls Royce Phantom saying; "She's very beautiful, yep,.

I learnt that before Selena Gomez left for Canada lately, Justin Bieber was so worried as to know that she [Selena] will be in the company of the British actor , and that made Bieber to send one of his buddies to go there with them so as to be in check of her.

According to the words from a close source to Bieber, when he reported to Hollywood life, he says;

Justin Beiber with close Pal 'Lil Za' in their Rolls Royce Phantom

"Selena told Justin that she was going to be on that flight with Orlando, and Justin was definitely jealous and upset. But instead of showing that to Selena, he made sure his buddy Alfredo was with her to pretty much watch her and report back to Justin if anything happened,"

Wow! My man Justin Biebs may be pretty much in love with his girl, and I wonder why he tried getting her upset the last they were in the City Of Love. Well, like I've always said, tow of them are cool together, s I'll be happy to see them back together like before.

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