
Monday 24 November 2014

Pope Francis Celebrated "Christ The King Eucharistic Mass" At The Vatican

Pope Francis in Eucharistic Adoration at Saint Peter's Basilica Rome

Yesterday being the 23rd of November, 2014, the the amiable and humble Pope of the Roman Catholic Church celebrated the "Christ the King Eucharistic Mass" at the Saint Peter's Basilica in the Vatican, Rome.

Catholic Faithfuls gather at the St. Peter's Basilica in Vatican City, Rome to celebrate "Christ The King"

The Christ the King celebration is a world-wide Catholic celebration and it was unique just as other of her celebrations , but quite peculiar because of the way at which Catholic faithfuls march in orderly manner as they sing and dance to the Lord "Jesus Christ" whom they proclaim and profess his Kingship in the world and in Heaven as the King of Kings, and Lord of lords.

In this Epic celebration, six new Saints were canonized and their names are;Kuriakose Elias Chavara, Mother Eufrasia Eluvathingal, Amato Ronconi, Giovanni Antonio Farina, Nicola da Longobardi, and Ludovico da Casoria.

For more information, you can visit News Vatican to get the full homily of the 'Christ The King's celebration' from Pope Francis yesterday.

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