
Tuesday, 18 November 2014

Wow! The Obama's Are Now Farmers! They Are Harvesting Potatoes From Their White-House Garden [See Photos]

Michelle Obama with her kids and other children at her White-House Kitchen Garden

Many of us think that farming is only the works of the peasants, but in all truth, it's not a kind of job that should be looked down on, or relegated to the low-level persons in the society.
If you must know, men of highest status and class like several Presidents of America, were all farmers, and they never stopped farming even as the responsibility of the White House heats up to their face, yet they were able to run their schedules together with farming. And such is the story of Eleanor Roosevelt, Clinton , and right now the Obamas,  as these Presidents maintained the ritual of farming at the White-House.

Michelle and the kids weeding and learning at her White-House kitchen garden

Looking quite closer here, you will spot the Obamas and some other children harvesting some sweet potatoes from their White-House farms, with Michelle Obama as their guide. It is now reported that Michelle Obama's White-House Kitchen garden is the biggest of all the President's wives garden ever seen at White-House, and her two lovely daughters 'Malia and Sasha are always receiving nutritious meals always, all courtesy of Michelle's kitchen garden.

Michelle doing some serious farm work there, and also teaching the kids

It was said that earlier, the Obama's girls had already been eating out so much, which then made the family's Pediatrician to recommend a diet change for them, and this is what the're getting so well from Michelle's garden work. And that is one of the things she revealed in her book titled 'American Grown'. That entails the whole story about the 'White-House Garden Kitchen'.

Kids learning as the Obama's chef takes them through some learning on the importance of the vegetables in the Michelle's kitchen garden

This year, the kitchen garden like its called for the first time includes Orange sweet potato, which is a root vegetable that is rich in vitamin A, many Nigerians, as well as other Africans are quite aware of this.   The sweet potato as a case study was selected  to make known its role in enhancing the health and nutritional value of millions of children and women throughout Sub-Saharan Africa by providing this essential nutrient.

President Obama and some of his government officials taking a walk along the White-House Kitchen Garden Path

Under First Lady Michelle Obama, the White House kitchen garden has been expanded and reinvigorated to include a wide range of herbs, fruits, and vegetables. It serves to educate people, especially children, on the importance of good nutrition and the role that vegetables and fruits can play in improving health. The sweet potatoes that were planted in the garden were provided by North Carolina State University (NCSU) and include Covington, a variety developed at NCSU, and Beauregard, a variety developed at Louisiana State University.

Various sections of the Obamas' White-House kitchen garden

Photo Credit: Wikipedia,

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