
Thursday 18 December 2014

Sierra Leone Now On House To House Search For Ebola Patients #EbolaPatientsCure

Ebola Health Workers Team conveying dead victims

The government of Sierra Leone has commenced a house to house search to unveil any hidden case of Ebola virus patient, as a means to make quick eradication of the deadly virus out her nation.

This is because it was perceived that some suspected victims of this epidemic have refused to identify with the assigned health workers there, perhaps they prefer to live with the disease and hope for miracle, or until their eventual death.

Ebola health workers team 

But this attitude is seen as callous, because the only remedy to the survival of this deadly virus disease is through appropriate quarantine of the patient when spotted on time.

  Therefore is very important that this search is conducted as quickly as possible to ensure that no single person can be said to be living with this disease within the Sierra Leonean nation again.

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