
Friday 10 October 2014

Death of The First- Ever Ebola Diagnosed Victim In The United States Soil Generates Fear And Anxiety In Dallas Texas

Following the death of the Liberian man Mr. Thomas Eric Duncan, who lives in Dallas Texas, and also died on Wednesday at the EVD Isolation center , reactions and mixed reactions have really trailed on and on among the people of Dallas enclave, as fear and anxiety have gripped everyone there over the possible spread and getting infected by the deadly Ebola Virus over the death of this Liberian.
Late Mr. Thomas Duncan, A Liberian and the first-ever Ebola diagnosed victim in the US

This is shown through the visit to Clay Jenkins, and Reverend George Mason of the Wilshire Baptist Church to the home of Ms Troy who is 54, with her 13-year old son and other two young men, who have been placed under quarantine health scrutiny, since the late Mr. Duncan was confirmed of carrying EVD, because these person have been all along living with Mr Duncan in the same apartment. These few persons have been under the order of the Texas State Health Officials never to leave their apartment until it 21-days, which is the maximum incubation period of the deadly EVD, so as to enable the health officials ascertain them free of the virus or carriers.

According to the speech made by Mrs. Mason whom we learnt is the Pastor of the church which Ms. Troy attends, says ;

“We never sat down,”  “We did not touch them. We kept about a three-foot distance from them at all times. This is simply a matter of extreme caution.”

The fear and anxiety which is emanating from the death of Mr Duncan is really getting out of hand as people are living just like mere shadows of themselves without having hope for living the next day with 100% good health. In fact it was also said that the fear in Dallas Texas grew so bigger as a result of this Liberian man's death as a Sergeant in the Dallas County Sheriff who has been living with Mr Duncan in the same apartment got  rushed to hospital and was since then being monitored over any possible symptoms EVD.

Sgt Michael Monnig, who lives in the same apartment with the late Mr. Duncan from Liberia taken to hospital on EVD monitoring

This is such a terrible situation right there now, and we hope that with all the measures put in place by the federal and state health officials, this Ebola scare shall soon calm down .


  1. this is quite alarming, and we hope that it would not spread further there. this death by ebola virus is quite painful. May God help us all and destroy this Ebola virus. Amen

  2. This situation truly should plunge fear because this virus kills so badly. I hope the health officials of the fed stops the spread.

  3. Hope this will soon faze away from our country.I'm just praying

  4. this is ugly, may God restore back the sanity of health within our world. Ebola is a threat to life.

  5. I think what they should do is to quarantine that whole area the man lived.

  6. Ebola has touched the world, the fear of ebola is the beginning of cleanliness. lol!
    Hope it goes soon
