
Friday 21 November 2014

Jim Iyke In A Recent Interview , States "Why I can't Do Without Nadia Buari"

Jim Iyke and his Space 'Nadia Buari'

Read the interview that was granted by the Jim Iyke, the biggest Nollywood actor, who set a record that is yet to be broke, by making 38-movies in a year. Jim has addiction to many things, like fashion, wearing of sun-glasses, but his most chronic addiction is his love for his pretty angel and girlfriend 'Nadia Buari.

 This handsome dude of a superstar been so knitted in love with super-fly beauty and Ghanaian actress 'Nadia Buari' for quite sometime now, and he has revealed the reasons why he can't do without this gorgeous damsel.

Read the full interview below , and enjoy!

Jim and Nadia have created their own world, as they define Love ......

Asking him about the Beautiful woman who seem to have gotten him stapled in a room full of love for long, he said;

 'Nadia is a solid, down-to-earth woman. I’m a man that translates variables in ways many people find incomprehensible. We have embraced who we are and learnt to create our own world and expectations. We have ups and downs like every other couple.

“We have our strength and weakness as well. At the end of the day, rumours of break ups and make-ups ought to abound. It really doesn’t matter. A relationship is a continuous work. Those that give up were perhaps not committed enough.

Those that go in for the long haul suck up and square up to the variables life throws at them. The people that judge harshly are obviously the ones that live far from their desired lives. We just live the best way we know how and leave the rest to the author and finisher of all things.”

Jim also talked about his fashion sense and his love for sunglasses, and  he said;

 “I have about 125 pairs of sunglasses. I think I own about 200 pairs of shoes and sneakers and it is not something to brag about. I like shoes and I collect them.

I get shoes that are much branded and are limited edition. For, me it is not just about making a fashion statement anymore, it is art."

Jim Is a fashion sensation, and his unique style singles him out among others.... Hear him talk

“I am not brand crazy. The designer labels cost a lot of money but there is a healthy competition; which is why I find the fashion market very interesting. I have been to factories that make goods for Gucci.

These are people working on a smaller scale and these are the ones I hire to make my clothes and they give me what I want. However, I always buy what I know I would look good in.

Jim Iyke and Nadia walk the talk............. It's love

Asked Why He Seldomly Features In Movies Lately, he said;

“When you arrive at the pinnacle of a career pursuit where else do you go? I surmounted that apex long in my prime. I was the guy that made 38 films in a year! I had created the work-machine image and inevitably also made myself socially redundant.

I couldn't glean at the moment of my decision till late what else that world had for me. It was a vicious circle of constant, monotonous engagement.

“Nothing was challenging anymore. It (Nollywood) was too easy, too perpetual, having travelled same circles and faced same obstacles. I also earned same bracket, produced and invested in the same suffocating projects.

The secret of the constantly progressive individual is the ability to discern when to shift focus and reinvent even if it’s temporarily. I took all I had, the vast contacts I had gathered, and moved into the world of business and facilitation.”

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