
Monday 15 September 2014


 Photo: Evelyn's Parents Helen and Trevor griefing

The inquest, at Warwick Coroner's Court, head that Evelyn had woken up with a mild headache on Wednesday, September 11, 2013 - but still went to school that day and her ballet class in the evening. But at 2am the next morning, she came bursting into her parents' bedroom shouting that she couldn't breathe. Helen rushed her to Warwick Hospital Accident and Emergency department, where her temperature had rocketed to almost 40 degrees. She was examined by a doctor, and despite vomiting, discharged a couple of hours later, with advice on how to reduce her temperature. But when her daughter was still burning up on Friday morning, Helen took Evelyn to her GP surgery, where she was examined by a nurse, who prescribed her penicillin for her inflamed tonsils. That afternoon her temperature had risen again and Helen took her back to the GP. Their Dr Susan Martin diagnosed her with oxygen saturations and moderate croup and made an appointment for her to come back on Monday. Tragically, Evelyn collapsed and died at home two hours later leaving Helen to desperately give CPR while she waited for an ambulance to arrive.

At the inquest assistant coroner for Warwickshire, Dr Richard Brittain said: "Evelyn Mary Smith died from the consequences of both a viral and bacterial infection of her upper respiratory tract. "Her family sought medical attention three times in the days leading up to her death. There were missed opportunities to diagnose and treat Evelyn appropriately on each of these occasions. However, I am satisfied that none of these consultations were neglectful.
Based on the evidence heard, it is more likely than not that her death was preventable; although it has not been possible to conclude the causative impact of each missed opportunity."

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