
Thursday 18 September 2014

Mickey Rourke Celebrates His 62nd Birthday With Another Tattoo!

On Tuesday Mickey Rourke celebrated his 62nd birthday by stopping by his favorite tattoo parlor on Sunset Boulevard, and we're not sure where he was getting inked, but he showed off plenty of other tats on his chest. Not only does he look like he's lost a significant amount of weight, but that hair! And is it just us, or is his nose looking a bit different these days too?

The Oscar-nominated star became a professional boxer in 1991 after his acting career fizzled, but when he decided to return to the big screen several years later, he admitted to having work done to fix shis face. Better than another trip to his plastic surgeon!

In 2009 Rourke told the Daily Mail:

    "I had my nose broken twice. I had five operations on my nose and one on a smashed cheekbone. I had to have cartilage taken from my ear to rebuild my nose and a couple of operations to scrape out the cartilage because the scar tissue wasn't healing properly. That was one of the most painful operations, but the worst was hemorrhoids. Most of [the surgery] was to mend the mess of my face because of the boxing, but I went to the wrong guy to put my face back together." And in honor of his b-day, here's a look at the actor's ever-evolving looks:

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