
Wednesday 15 October 2014

Celebrity Superstar Actress And Mom "Reese Witherspoon" Happily Talks About Her 2013 Arrest

Reese witherspoon talks with happiness  about 2013 Arrest at London

The beautiful celebrity star actress and mom stated that her arrest in 2013 by the British metropolitan Police at the BFI London Film Festival over her misconduct owing to her being drunk at that event, wasn't a thing of shame or otherwise to her, rather it made her understand exactly how people think about him and also what and how she ought to behave and present herself as a public figure and celebrity. It was quite a turning point moment for her if you ask me.

In her statement in answer to the big question posed to her about that incident, she says;

"I think it was a moment where people realized that I wasn't exactly what they thought I was. I guess maybe we all like to define people by the way the media presents them, and I think that I showed I have a complexity that people didn't know about,

Furthermore, she stated that;  "It's part of human nature. I made a mistake. We all make mistakes. The best you can do is say sorry and learn from it and move on". 

She added by informing the US weekly saying; "It was definitely a scary situation and I was frightened for my husband, but that is no excuse. I was disrespectful to the officer who was just doing his job. The words I used that night definitely do not reflect who I am,"

Going by her behavior on that day, she quite accept the fact that it wasn't what was expected of a celebrity and a mentor to many youngsters out there more especially to her family, but it's alright that in life, one tries to learn for the better with the past mistakes or happenings of the past. It's so good that she'd learnt from her mistake and that has primed her into becoming a more better person, to me that is what matters most in life. What do you think?

Photo credit by X17online

1 comment:

  1. This is a great speech there. It shows she's not proud of her mistakes, but has taken a positive turn by learning from her mistakes
