
Tuesday 14 October 2014

Facebook Owner and Wife Mark Zuckerberg Make $25Million Donation To The CDC For Fight Against Ebola Virus Disease

Mark Zuckerberg and wife Priscilia donates $25Million to CDC on EVD Fight

Wow! I know that this will interest all you Facebook Fans and users out there, the your man, who is the owner, the big Boss, the Billionaire and the CEO of Facebook Social Network "Mark Zuckerberg and Wife Priscilla Chan", made it public an announcement over their donation of the staggering sum of $US25 Million to the Center for Disease Control "CDC" to assist in his own little way in fighting this deadly scourge of Ebola Virus Disease [EVD] which has led to the death of over 4,000 person around the world.

In the words of the Billionaires Couple, the "Mark Zuckerberg and Wife Priscilla Chan"  whose net worth is a whooping sum of $US33.3 Billion said as thus;

"Priscilla and I are donating $25 million to the Centers for Disease Control Foundation to help fight Ebola. We need to get Ebola under control in the near term so that it doesn't spread further and become a long term global health crisis that we end up fighting for decades at large scale, like HIV or polio. We believe our grant is the quickest way to empower the CDC and the experts in this field to prevent this outcome."

This is quite a great charity work by this wonderful couple, by being magnanimous and as such find it worthy to give back to the society at this time when the World is saddled with the menace of this deadly EVD. I'm so glad to have come across their generosity, through this donation. We all your Facebook fans and users say big thanks to you. Mark and Priscilla. We love you.

Photo credit: X17online


  1. Mark and wife Priscilla are such a good people. It good to know that they're being this kind-hearted and generous to the society. That is sign of appreciation by them both. I love you guys.

  2. He's a billionaire, so giving that amount means nothing to him. But he really have done so well anyways.

  3. No matter how much he has, it's quite a great thing to have him and his wife given this much, after all it's not as many as the billionaires around the world like that can give such an amount for charity

  4. Mark, you are your wife have done so pretty well. Keep the good work always, while we won't stop to keep letting the cash roll in for ya'll. You are good people.

  5. Ride on Mark Zuckerberg, we are solidly behind you in this. The world really needs this help at this time of challenge by Ebola, and here you come with your charity aid. It shows you really have the interest of humanity at heart. God bless you and your wife Priscilla Chan

  6. With the likes of Mark and Priscilla the world will be a better place for the downtrodden. I appreciate you Mark.

  7. Thank you for your support to fight Ebola. This is very terrible disease and we are hoping that it doesn't spread further in the US, and the rest of the world. You are truly a philanthropist Mark.

  8. Good deeds there Mark and Priscilla, like they behind every successful man, there is always a beautiful and motivating woman by his side. This is quite sure about that word. You two have shown it through your kind giving.

  9. I love you Mark .. I'm your fan on Facebook as well.

  10. Mark Zuckerberg is cash king and he can even give a billion dollar, it will only take him a year to get it back. He's super rich. I wanna be like him.

  11. I love Mark soooooooooooo much, he a nice person.

  12. I wish Mark can give some help to Africans who are really in great need of help for survival, especially for the fight against Ebola

  13. you are right Emma, Africa need this help more than the said CDC.

  14. Good works Mark and Priscilla... This is lovely

  15. You two are far too kind. We all love you Mark.
