
Tuesday 21 October 2014

Shocking News:As Catholic Priests Fight Dirty In Mbaise, Imo State, Nigeria

Graphic image of a catholic priest in a solemn moment as it should be not in some kind of fight

News making round has it that some catholic priests engaged in a very dirty and fiery battle at the St. Brigid’s Catholic Church Nnarambia in Mbaise Imo state, Nigeria, following the disagreement over what the Priests of Ahiara Diocese term as “Imposition of a non-indigenous Bishop” on the entire people of Ahiara  Ecclesiastical province.

It was said that this battle against the said Bishop named Okpaleke who hails from the Anambra Diocese in Anambra State was appointed to head the Catholic Diocese of Mbaise following the demise of their former bishop,  Bishop V.A Chikwe of blessed memory without due process which would legitimately receive the unanimous consent of the entire Priest of the Mbaise Catholic extraction. But this procedure wasn’t followed and this said Bishop Okpaleke was brought to the diocese leading their total refusal to such action, as according to them does not conform with the Catholic Cannon law of appointing bishops.

So this whole issue have for long stirred the peaceful atmosphere that was in existence in that diocese, leading to the division amongst the Priests there, and this latest ordeal of some of the priests engaging into a fiery battle was as a result of this “Imposition of Bishop Okpaleke” on the entire diocese as they may term it.

This is very shocking and unheard of, because the Catholic Church is supposed to be the center for peace and reconciliation amongst the Christian communities, how would this kind of act be displayed by priests of the Catholic Church? Whatever their differences maybe, should have been settled amicably through dialogue, for it is the unique attitude the catholic church have shown over the years and that is what they are reckoned with around the world. 


  1. This is shocking, and disheartening that priests would come out this bad in the open, It is indeed terrible. What would they want the people they are suppose to lead to do then? Oh! to become terrorists I guess! It's a bad sincerely.

  2. You are right my dear, the people , that is the lay faithfuls should become nuisance in this situation, since their supposed Shepherds are becoming irresponsible. I pray God to touch them for a true change

  3. wonders shall not cease, lol! this is funny, that Catholic priests would act in this shameful manner, I can't believe this.

  4. This is my town you are talking about. It's sad to hear about this evil happening there at this point. No matter what may happen, they shouldn't have led it result into fighting, this act demeans the sacredness of the Catholic Church as a holy institution. I pray God will forgive them and make them to have a change in attitude

  5. I was short of words to say anything concerning this matter, but will only pray that God touches them, because this is truly a bizarre act, and it's not cool at all

  6. What an embarrassment to the Church. Only God will restore peace in Ahiara diocese

  7. This is ridiculous, and quite demeaning as well.
