
Monday 13 October 2014

Woman With Super-Natural Gifts, Communicates Between The living And The Dead Spirits, Saves 16-Year Daughter From Dying

Photo credit to The Mirror UK: Sally-Cudmore, A woman who sees the dead while still in the land of the living

Wonders they say can never cease, and just like some people doesn't believe in the powers of the dead, there are still many others who still believe that the dead still have powers. But away from these different beliefs, as this is not the main issue right here. The major thing that I wanna bring your way now is about a woman who seem to posses super-natural powers that can enable her see into the world of the dead. Her name is Sally Cudmore, and she was formerly a nurse, who got her super-powers while she was still at a young age.

I would like you to read below her statement, as was obtained from the The Morning; as she said that she saved the life of her 16-year old daughter who was at the verge of death, using her super-powers.

In her own words to Philip Schofield and Amanda Holden, she stated thus;

“At 14, she [Sophia] had a major operation. I got told to take her home, there was nothing wrong.
“I was up and down the hospital – in the end, I said I wanted a second opinion.” “We nearly lost her,” she continued, explaining how 'seeing a red light' around her daughter’s abdomen left her in doubt about the severity of Sophia’s condition.

Following a second opinion from a doctor, Sophia was operated on immediately.

“She had a massive cyst in her right fallopian tube. It had twisted and they had to remove it immediately. She’s got one tube now, and two ovaries. “If it wasn’t for me knowing – I was seeing a red light around her stomach area, which is a warning sign – and me being persistent and getting another consultant in for a second opinion, she would not be here today.”

Sally also refuted the rumor about wanting to make her gift of communicating between the living and dead her job, as she said that there had been times when she helped people without asking for any financial gratification. Here read hat she says;

“It’s about me seeing people being comforted by the information I’m giving them,” insisted Sally.
“It’s a living, I have to earn – but I’m not ripping people off.”   “I helped an old lady, I helped the police and the family.  “She had dementia. I took a week off work, my own time and I didn’t charge them any money.  “On my say so, police put out helicopters, sniffer dogs and we found her on a allotment in Bromley.”

This is a rare gift and I think she's a good woman for having not applied the act of seeking for monetary gratification as she renders services from her golden gift from nature. what do you think about this whole life testimony concerning Sally?


  1. Can this be real? wow! she must be quite a super-human indeed. I'll love to meet with you Sally. anyone have any means of reaching her? please drop your contacts here on this site please....

  2. I think I know how you can reach this woman. Maybe you can ask the YMZ Blogger, he sure should know about that. She's is great with her gifts. I read it all, it is amazing to see someone with this great gift and never charge for this>

  3. she seem a every nice a person with her geft.

  4. God bless her, she seem a good woman
