
Tuesday 11 November 2014

Hahaha! This is Incredible, As US Scientist Discovers The Virus Behind The Act Of Stupidity

Virus that causes act of Stupidity discovered by US Scientists

Oh yeah, the US Scientist are at it again! Now they've come out with another discovery that shows why stupidity is very much commonplace in our society. They said that there is a virus that is behind the act of stupidity, and they said that it's an algae virus that is termed 'Stupid Virus' which infects human brains and makes the people more stupid.

This Virus discovery was made by a team at the Johns Hopkins Medical School and the University of Nebraska as they carry out study into the throat micro-organisms

It was said that about 90 persons participated in that study and about 40 persons were said to test positive to the Stupid virus , and that those that  tested positive did performed worse on the tests that were designed to measure the visual processing and attention spans. They now said that although human bodies have been known to harbour a multitude of bacteria and fungi, but study have shown so far that certain specific micro-organisms may have negative effects on the intelligent processing.

In the words of the Virologist 'Dr. Robert Yolken' who led the research study said thus;

‘This is a striking example showing that the “innocuous” microorganisms we carry can affect behaviour and cognition. Many physiological differences between person A and person B are encoded in the set of genes each inherits from parents, yet some of these differences are fueled by the various microorganisms we harbour and the way they interact with our genes.’

I'm so surprise as to come to the knowledge of this finding. This is very funny, but it's real.

Photo credit by University of Nebraska

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