
Saturday 18 October 2014

Nigerian Military Go Into Cease-Fire Agreement With Boko-Haram Islamist Terrorist Group

Nigerian Military and President Goodluck Jonathan dressed in Military Outfit As They Seal Deal On Cease-Fire With Boko-Haram

It is of late that an agreement to bring to an end the long-bloody battle against Boko-Haram Terrorism was negotiated by The Nigerian Army.  That is to say that this deal may have been underway all along until it is made public lately.

You all must realize that creating an atmosphere of peaceful co-existence amongst Nigerian populace is a welcome development which had earlier been longed for, but one pressing issue that every Nigerian would love to know is, whether this cease-fire agreement was all to the unanimous endorsement of the Military and the Boko-Haram Islamist terrorist group or it was just decided by the Nigerian Military alone?

This is very important to note because if this deal wasn't in a general consensus then, it will amount to a major blow on the people because these terrorists are always taken people unawares and we don't really like such. So to avoid any more fear and sudden attacks, Nigerians and the rest of the world ought see a signed evidence of cease-fire agreement between Nigerian Military and the Islamist Terrorist Sect to ensure a lasting peace of mind that insurgency has left the country for good. Also, Nigerians would love to know the fate of over 200 Chibok school girls that was abducted over the months now. Are their release also included in that part of the agreement reached?
President GEJ commends Senate for the approval of $1billion fund to fight terrorism

If some of the school girls are to be released to the man who have been on a negotiating deals with the Islamist sect as stated in some of the media sources, then what about the others too. Now that this cease-fire agreement has been endorsed , what happens to the $US1Billion fund that had already approved by the Senate? It must be channeled into some other meaningful projects such as employment schemes in the Agriculture, health and Education sectors respectively to create meaningful livelihood to the Nigerian populace.

Nigerians are asking questions, and the rest of the world are also seeking to know the outcome of this cease-fire deal.  To me it's a nice and welcome development to have peace return to this country one again, but it is the condition and stance of this peace deal that seem to stir my curiosity.

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