
Saturday 6 September 2014

‘ISIS Jihadi’ Carries Severed Head Across U.S. Border:

An “ISIS jihadi” crossed the Mexican Border into Texas with a severed head. The event was not a real terrorism attack but a stunt designed to illustrate just how easy it is for a member of the Islamic State to waltz into America. Infowars journalist Joe Biggs dressed up as an ISIS militant after news alerts indicated that the Islamic States are planning to attack the United States from a stronghold in Juarez, Mexico.The ISIS jihadi was videotaped behind a bush just a few feet from the Texas border, swinging a machete in a simulated beheading. “We dressed up as an ISIS jihadi to be as obvious as possible and to show and illustrate just how wide open the border realty is,” Infowars reporter Joe Biggs said. As previously reported by The Inquisitr, James O’Keefe dressed up as Osama Bin Landen and crossed into America via an unguarded footbridge along the Rio Grande River.
A recent statement released by Judicial Watch cited multiple high-level federal intelligence and law enforcement sources that maintained ISIS was operating in Juarez.

    “Islamic terrorist groups are operating in the Mexican border city of Ciudad Juarez and planning to attack the United States with car bombs or other vehicle born improvised explosive devices – VBIED. Intelligence officials have picked up radio talk and chatter indicating that the terrorist groups are going to ‘carry out an attack on the border. It’s coming very soon.’”

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