
Monday 13 October 2014

Pakistani Girl-Child -Education Activist "Malala Yousafzai" Gets Nobel Peace Prize With An Indian "Mr. Kailash Satyarthi"

Young and beautiful Malala happy to receive the Nobel Peace Prize In Oslo

The news that just got to me now has it that the 17-years Pakistani girl-child education activist "Malala Yousafzai" and a 60-year old man from India  by name "Kailash Satyarthi" have attracted to themselves the prestigious award of Nobel Peace Prize, which is worth $US1.1Million .

According to record, it is said that there hasn't been anyone as young as Malala that has been able to receive this Nobel Peace Prize since it's creation in 1901; but the young and beautiful Malala has broken that record, since she was able to posses the outstanding qualities that projected her towards meriting this award.

Young and beautiful Malala was shot in the head few years ago by the Taliban Islamist terrorist group over her resistance to continue with school as against the Taliban Islamist decree and rule in Pakistani. This refusal to stop campaigning for the support of girl-child education led to her being brutally shot in the head on October, 2012 , and left to the mercy of life, which finally savaged her and today she's alive, looking so beautifully healthy and kicking her campaign so good, for which she'll someday soon get to the threshold.

17-year old happy  Malala looking so pretty

She was also in Nigeria few months back to discuss with the President of Nigeria, Dr. Goodluck Jonathan on the possible strategy to ensure that secure the release of Chibok School girls who were abducted by the Boko-Haram Islamist terrorist group. It was due to the abduction of these girls by these Islamist terrorist sect, that #BringBackOurGirls# slogan manifested all over the world as well as on the social media.

While the second person from India, whose names, I mentioned above, as "Mr. Kailash Satyarthi" became a hero by rescuing children who are trafficked into slavery. The photo of the 60-year old Mr. Kailash Satyarthi is here;

Mr. Kailash Satyarthi happy to receive the Nobel Peace Prize

According to NYTimes, while the Nobel Peace Prize was being announced in Oslo, Norway last Friday, the committee chairman , "Thorbjorn Jagland" said thus;

It was important for “a Hindu and a Muslim, an Indian and a Pakistani, to join in a common struggle for education and against extremism” — a resonant message in a week in which the Pakistani and Indian armies have exchanged shellfire across a disputed stretch of border, killing 20 villagers. But it was also a message that highlighted how far Ms. Yousafzai has come from her original incarnation as the schoolgirl who defied the Taliban and lived to tell the tale.

On learning about the award from her school teacher in Birmingham, England on Friday when she called her from a chemistry lesson at Edgbaston High School for Girls in Birmingham, and young Malala called her home, saying this;

“I was totally surprised when she told me, ‘Congratulations, you have won the Nobel Peace Prize, and you are sharing it with a great person who is also working for children’s rights,’ ” Ms. Yousafzai said at a news conference.

Malala looking so happy on receiving Nobel Peace Prize

She has really set a pace for the teeming young girls out there within the girls-education-restricted Islamist territory, never to give up in the fight to continue to be in school, because without education, one cannot be emancipated from slavery of poverty, sexual harassment, and other abuses meted out to women by some bad elements in our society. Congratulations to young Malala and Mr. Kailash Satyarthi for this prestigious Nobel Peace Prize award.


  1. Quite an awesome feat by Malala, go on girl, you are most deserved for that Nobel Peace Prize, because you've shown it through your actions... You are such a blessing child!

  2. Congrats to you, I've never seen such a record set by a young person of this age in my entire life. I'm surprised and really very glad that this is coming from a young girl. Thumps up to you my girl, Malala, you've made us the female gender proud with your feat. My warm regards to Mr.Kailash as well.

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  4. Oh! beautiful Malala, you are such a loving girl, your works is been speaking for you since you came to lime-light after that October, 2012 incident. Through your dogged effort you have helped in transforming the lives of young girls who are held in captivity of primitive religion against education. I'll always appreciate and admire you. I adore the ground upon which you walk on. Congratulations from Me. Angela Bradford, from Pennsylvania, USA.

  5. Oh! beautiful Malala, you are such a loving girl, your works is been speaking for you since you came to lime-light after that October, 2012 incident. Through your dogged effort you have helped in transforming the lives of young girls who are held in captivity of primitive religion against education. I'll always appreciate and admire you. I adore the ground upon which you walk on. Congratulations from Me. Angela Bradford, from Pennsylvania, USA.

  6. Congrats to you Malala and Mr. Kailash on your Nobel Peace Prize award. I must commend the young and beautiful Malala just the Ymz blogger rightly puts it, because she's a force to reckon with, and she has truly defined the meaning of a girl who's standing for other fellow girls on the path of greatness, educational freedom,as well as religious freedom too. She has done the young girls around the world proud and we'll forever be grateful to her activism. Ivy from New York

  7. bravo to you Malala and Mr.Kailash for your award. Love you both.

  8. You are indeed wonderful my dear, I love you Malala for your support for the girl child. God bless you and Mr Kailash for being the voice that speaks for the downtrodden and the helpless girl children.

  9. Malala you are such a good kid. Keep the good work up , and let your voice continue to speak more and more. All the best. Congratulations, and to Mr. Kailash Satyarthi for his care to the children. You all desrve the Nobel peace prize
