
Monday 13 October 2014

REPUBLICAN G.O.P Displays Disappointment Over The Democrats Administration; Especially On Ebola And American Security

Graphic image of G.O.P of the Republicans 

Many things may not be going so well right now between the Republicans and the ruling democrats, especially as there is no much time left to start the midterm elections, which everyone is looking forward to, owing to the fact that it has never gotten so easy between the Democrats and the Republicans. Just lately due to the recent Ebola Virus Outbreak in Dallas Texas which killing a Liberian man by names Thomas Duncan, whom reports gathered that he actually brought in EVD into the American soil, just as a Liberian brought EVD into the Nigerian Soil resulting in the killing of just a few persons before it was wiped out of Nigeria.

At the wake of this ugly incident, many Republicans have pointed fingers to President Barrack Obama  as not been able to secure and protect the shores of the US soil against any harmful foreign bodies over American citizens, and that is why this EVD had gotten entrance into the US ground.

Most of these Republicans are believed to be possible contestants of the 2016 Presidential election, and they have seem to believe that everyday terrorist are looking forward to harm the American people, and there is every need for the country to tighten up its security to ensure that these evil men does not see a spot to penetrate American soil.

The latest going on now is that some of the Republicans have decided to be calling Mr President Mr. Ebola and some other are making mockery of him saying is the Mr. Virus.

The Republicans have also believed that the secret service has failed in several cases from giving the  American people the maximum security they needed, and this has been one of the President's biggest criticism in recent times. As it stands right now, several political ads have been spreading all over on the American soil both in the media print as well as on broadcast, stating that the Democrats have failed the American People.

Whether this is true or not, but everyone sure knows that political oppositions are always finding faults in their rivals, to push them out or make them seem irrelevant. But be it as it may, everyone within American or even outside America as long as it's someone who believes in the American political system, would decipher whether this government led by the Democrats is really encouraging or it should be handed over to the Republicans. I believe posterity will judge for the better in this whole issue. What do you think yourself?

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