
Monday 24 November 2014

Survivor: New Born Baby Spotted Alive After Five Days Of Being Dumped In 9Feet Deep Pipe In Australia

Little boy that survived after 5-days of coming face to face with death in Sydney Australia

This is very a horrible act, as to know that a woman from Sydney in Australia could drop her baby boy in the stormy rainy weather at a 9-feet deep inside a pipe, and was covered with a 440lb concrete slab,only for him to die;  but luck was on the little boy's side as some cyclist named David Otte and his daughter 'Hayley' who is 18-years of age were riding past  and heard the cry coming out from the deep drains, at first they thought it was some kittens , but when they got closer, what they saw got them shocked, because it was a little boy.

According to Mirror Uk; “We actually thought it was a kitten at first, but when we went down there we could hear exactly what it was, you could definitely tell it was a baby screaming.” David Otte said.

It took six person including the police officers whose attention were called to the scene to get the heavy slab that was covering the drain lifted, so the little boy could be brought out.

The 9ft drain where the little boy was found

This moment, the little boy is in the hospital so they can do a proper check up on him to know if he had some internal injuries. This act is callous and mean of the woman that did this.

Photo credit by Mirror UK

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