
Friday 31 October 2014

A woman Quick Weight-Loss In A Short Time! From 28-Size To Size-12, This is Amazing

Paige looking so fat at size-28, earlier on

This woman used to be a quite fat person, but due to her boyfriend's humiliating remark, she decided to go on shoving her weight, and here she's looking so cool and you wouldn't even notice that she used to be this fat before. Her name is Paige and she's 22-years, who used to be on a 28-size, but right now she's on 12-size. Kudos to her boyfriend, who made derogatory remark towards her fatness, and that motivated her into getting her weight cut down, and now she's looking so cute.

Here comes the exact words of Paige, and all that transpired between she and her boyfriend, that led to her getting her self to good shape.

"It was absolutely mortifying when my boyfriend told me that my belly was getting in the way, but it gave me the push I needed to finally do something about my weight. I'd always been big as a child, and then I was 'the fat one' in my bunch of friends. Men would say horrible things about me on nights out, like "God, look at the size of her."
Paige taking on drinks for her weight

"I had no confidence whatsoever, but I tried to kid myself that I was happy being fat. Even when I broke a sun lounger at a family barbeque by sitting on it, I just laughed it off. However, when my boyfriend made that comment, I knew I couldn't kid myself any longer."

So for the next eight months, Paige worked on her weight, exercising and eating small portions of healthy food. By the time she'd lost all the weight, she dumped the man that felt she wasn't good enough. Now she says losing weight has completely changed her life and she's single again and looking for Mr Right

Paige now slimmed down to size-12

"Every time I think back to the night at the hotel, it makes me cringe. But it made me make a change. Now I'm happier than I've ever been - and I definitely haven't had any complaints about my belly since!"

she's looking cool and trimmed now

Source;UK Mirror

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