
Friday 3 October 2014

Google May Be Sued By Female Celebrity Attorney Over Hacked Photos Found In Goog Search

The report getting to us has it that Google have been sued for not been able to keep to their words and agreement regarding the removal of the female celebrities whose nude photos leaked online due to the fact that their Apple  iCloud account and 4Chan was hacked last month. According to the attorney advocating for the celebrities, he alleges that the search giant did not "act expeditiously and responsibly to remove the images, therefore they may be sued for over a $US100Million in damages. Because it is obvious Google has been making money off these celebs nude photos all these time.

Google in their response via their spokesperson informed the CNET , that they removed about Tens of Thousands of such photos within hours that the request was made and as well closed several accounts amounting to over hundreds, saying that the Internet is made for good purposes and uses and will not be permitted for the use of nudity.

But the reporter from Hollywood said that about 51percent of the URLs that contained nude photos were crawled out of Google search results, and also said that until now. But Google on their own part said they are doing everything possible to remove all such photos from Youtube, Blogspot, as well as other Google owned sites, since nudity violates its privacy acts and policies.

The Legal representative of the female Celebrities also lauded Twitter for immediately removing such photos from its account, and they said that this letter sent to Google shall serve as a warning to any to condoling such acts incase there arise a reocurrence.

The letter ended with three demands, telling Google to: remove the images from its sites, terminate user accounts that are hosting the images and remove accounts on Blogspot that are displaying the photos. The attorney also asked for data preservation on all alleged offenders for possible litigation at a later time.

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