
Sunday 2 November 2014

MTN Nigeria Takes Customers To The Next Level With MTN Surprise Campaign Offers

MTN Surprise Campaign thrill customers with star artiste "Timaya" an  MTN Ambassador

Wow! MTN  Nigeria, which is leading Telecommunication and ICT company in Nigeria, has done it so big right here, as they have taken Nigerians to the next level with their mouth-watering offers, which caught all MTN users with surprise.

MTN Ambassadors attend to customers at MTN Selling Point to give them MTN Surprise

They took this surprise package to different cities with the Nigerian artistes that are MTN Ambassadors, like  Kcee, the 'Limpopo crooner' Timaya, Sound Sultan, Saka and a whole lots of others to keep Nigerians agog and glued to the MTN Surprise Campaign.

KC 'Limpopo crooner, an MTN Ambassador at the MTN Surprise Connect Center with MTN Customers

The cities they are on right now is from Lagos, Port-Harcourt , Abuja, Ibadan to Benin, and they will soon get to your city with this MTN Surprise Campaign, so you better get ready to see them storm right there.
Sound Sultan 'MTN Ambassador attending to MTN customer at the MTN E-Connect center Yaba, Lagos

As long as you are an MTN subscriber, all you need to do now is text the number 11 to 400, to enable you get the wonderful surprise, and MTN Surprise is also on the Social Network, trending as  #YelloEleven.

So you have to take this chances and never let it to pass you by, because MTN is everywhere you go

MTN subscriber at the MTN E-Connect center Lagos, playing MTN Surprise games

KC 'Limpopo crooner,thrills MTN customers at Port-Harcourt MTN Connect center

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